Engineering Services
In oils Expert we always strive for providing the sophisticated services and handle every single stage in the project cycle

- Consultation Service
- Infrastructure Design
- Equipment Supply
- Turnkey Solutions
- Construction Service
- Project Installation

Consultation Service
- Feasibility studies: As part of Our Consultation services we provide Feasibility studies for clients per request.
- Project Scope and Cost Analysis.
- Facility Solution: we have proven experience in consulting for all sectors in oil and feed industries.
- Tendering and Tender Evaluation: Our team is experienced in the creation and Publishing of tenders as well as evaluating the received tenders to ensure the best quality of services to be matched with ideal price.
- Concept Layout: Our client can rely on our experience in the preparation of project’s concept layout according to project requirements.
- ERP solution: In OILS EXPERT we can support and supply Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) to initiate installed oil and
feed plant. - Technical Audit: We can arrange technical audits for your existing plants and generate detailed performance reports which would assist in process changes related to output, energy consumption, spares, inventory etc. and plant upgradation. Technical audits reduce down time as they ensure regular preventive maintenance of plant and machines.

Infrastructure Design
- We provide Mechanical and Electrical Infrastructure (MEP) Design.
- Complete design documents package including drawings,installation, details and detailed specifications of materials for sites.
- 3D modelling and detailed shop drawing.

Equipment Supply
- The OILS Expert team is always keen to provide competitive
Supply chain of plant equipment from top rated suppliers to meet the demanding needs of oil and feed production projects and increase profit rate of our clients. - We Also on behalf of our clients we provide:
- Quotation requests
- Document control
- Invoice reconciliation
- Carting, tracking and shipping.

Turnkey Solutions
Our turnkey solutions will provide:
- Conceptual engineering study
- Basic and Detailed Engineering Design
- Contracting and procurement Management support.
- Installing Plant at their full performance including water fill up
tests, dry runs & product trails keeping committed utilities intact. - Commissioning and startup service

Construction Service
- Detailed layout coordination, foundation and steel structure layout drawings.
- Fabrication of steel structure and all types of vessels (pressurized, non-pressurized)
- Sand blasting and painting
- Erection and Installation of steel structure and all type of equipment related to the project.

Installation Service
- Equipment Erection onto their prepared foundations.
- Installing machinery correctly including all interconnecting
equipment and piping. - well trained Engineers and workers in all aspects such as shifting of equipment, foundation layouts, piping, instrumentation, cabling and insulation.